In today's business environment the forces of globalization, convergence and consolidation are almost daily compelling the Fortune 1000 to bring together different businesses, cultures, computer systems and business models. Complicating this task is the capital markets demands to show both top and bottom line growth quarter after quarter and increasingly, improving return on investment. Clearly, new, innovative and highly efficient management tools are required to compete and win such an environment.
However, in most organizations this data is confined within operational systems. A recent study concluded that 93% of business data is not readily available to support enterprise decision-making processes.
The answer to this dilemma can be found by implementing large scale, integrated business intelligence systems. Data Warehousing (DW) is more than the creation of a beautiful Warehouse, more than the technology that supports it, more than a view of the future. It is really a powerful vehicle for the realization of your business goals.
Virtusoft will maximize the ROI of your data warehouse or business intelligence initiative with:
At Virtusoft; we have the methodology, tools, and hard-earned expertise to deliver real value in a data-warehousing project quickly and frequently. Constituents see the results they expect, according to milestones. Support for the warehouse is preserved. And the project can proceed according to plan and overall IT strategy.
We do this by balancing the development of the long-term direction of your warehouse (the Program) with the short-term need to deliver value (the Project). The concept is central to our Step-by-Step Methodology... proven and refined by experience.
Virtusoft is a team of experienced Data Warehousing and BI experts with competencies in all of the disciplines required for successfully building and deploying BI systems for Fortune 1000 clients.