In today's times organizations need to move more data from more sources more quickly into a variety of distributed business intelligence applications. To manage this data flow, ETL tools will need to evolve with a host of new functionality including parallel processes that capture data in near real time, enhanced administration to ensure reliable operations and high availability, and connectivity to a wider variety of different systems.
Virtusoft offers comprehensive solutions for developing, managing, and optimizing a flexible data architecture
that efficiently supports key enterprise information initiatives - including self-service applications,
real-time information delivery, business activity monitoring, enterprise information portals, and more. Our data
management and ETL solutions meet the widest range of information needs by enabling direct access to data in
operational systems and staged data in warehouses or marts, as well as detail data via drill-troughs.
Our consultants have expertise with many Extract, Transform & Load (ETL) tools that we use for data
extraction and transformation from disparate sources and delivering performance management across your
organization. Publish/Subscribe, advanced data merging, aggregation and data transformation capabilities of
these tools helps us integrate data from different sources, and transform it into information using
best-practices dimensional design. Metadata describes the integration rules and allows faster integration with
OLAP & Reporting suites.
Besides custom coding, we have extensive consulting experience with various ETL & EAI products